2024 AlmaLaurea survey on doctoral graduates
At the University of Trento, the survey examined the career of 228 doctoral students who graduated in 2023, and the employment status of 220 others who graduated in 2022
The AlmaLaurea survey on the career of doctoral graduates examined the performance of 6,105 PhD students from 43 universities who graduated in 2023. The AlmaLaurea survey on the employment status of doctoral graduates analysed 6,842 doctoral graduates of 2022 from 54 universities, who were interviewed one year after graduation, and 1,420 doctoral graduates of 2020 from 15 universities, who were interviewed three years after graduation.
The Uni Trento doctoral graduates of 2023 in the 9th AlmaLaurea survey are 228.
2.3% of doctoral graduates pursued a doctorate in collaboration with businesses (industrial doctorate or similar); 11.0% obtained a joint or double/multiple degree. 42.7% of doctoral graduates earned their PhD at the same university where they earned their degree, 34.9% at a different Italian university, and 21.6% from a foreign university. 22.8% of doctoral graduates are foreign nationals. The students who decide to enrol in a doctoral program generally performed well in their previous studies; 63.2% of doctoral graduates who earned their degree in Italy earned their Master's degree with honours (110/110 cum laude).
The average age at PhD graduation is 31.1 years, and 62.3% of graduates obtained their PhD by the age of 30.
Reasons for enrolling in a PhD programme and funding
78.9% of PhD graduates planned to enrol in a PhD programme at the time of graduation. The most important reasons for enrolling included: to increase their education level (78.0%); the opportunity to conduct research and study in academia (45.4%); better job prospects (32.6%). 89.9% of doctoral graduates received funding for their doctoral studies. During the doctorate 83.5% of doctoral graduates participated regularly for at least one year in structured training activities within their doctoral programme.
48.2% of doctoral graduates spent a study or research period abroad, and 27.6% of them stayed for more than 6 months. On average the overall satisfaction with the foreign experience was 8.7 on a scale of 1-10. 36.2% of graduates dedicated over 40 hours a week to research (9.6% more than 50 hours a week), and 78.0% were part of research groups.
Finally, 83.5% of graduates published at least one work, with 94.5% of them publishing in English.
Satisfaction with the doctorate and future prospects
The satisfaction with the recently completed PhD programme was measured based on a number of aspects.
On average, the graduates rated the acquisition of new skills and specific abilities and 8.0 (on a scale of 1-10), the acquired knowledge of theoretical content a 7.3, and mastery of research techniques a 7.8.
56.9% of doctoral graduates stated that, if they could go back, they would enrol in the same doctoral programme and at the same university. 0.9% would enrol in a different programme at the same university, 4.6% at another Italian university, 27.5% would enrol in a doctoral programme abroad, and 9.2% would not enrol in a doctoral programme.
75.7% of PhD graduates believe that there are better job opportunities abroad for their area of study. Only 4.1% believe they have better opportunities in Italy.
The 9th survey on the employment status of PhD graduates involved 220 doctoral graduates of 2022 at the University of Trento, who were interviewed one year after graduation.
Employment status one year after graduation
94.6% of PhD graduates are employed. The unemployment rate, calculated among those active in the labour market, is 3.1%. 18.6% of employed graduates continued the work they started before earning their doctorate, 12.9% changed jobs after graduation, and 68.6% entered the labour market only after completing their doctorate.
Characteristics of employment one year after graduation
Among those employed one year after graduation, 35.0% are supported by a research grant, 20.4% have a permanent employment contract, and 29.3% have a temporary employment contract. 6.4% work independently (as freelancers, self-employed, entrepreneurs, etc.), and 2.5% have a post-doc, study, or research grant. 5.7% are engaged in other forms of work. Remote working involves 40.8% of employed graduates. The average net monthly salary of doctoral graduates is €1,993. 7.6% of employed graduates work part-time. 92.9% of employed graduates hold intellectual, scientific, and highly specialized professions: 55.8% are researchers or technical graduates in universities, while 37.0% perform other intellectual, scientific, and highly specialized professions. Other professions are significantly less represented. 64.3% declared they engage in research activities extensively in a typical workday, 20.0% to a lesser extent, and 15.7% not at all. 74.1% believe that the doctorate degree is very effective or effective for their job, 15.1% think it is somewhat effective, and 10.8% consider it little or not effective. 72.1% of employed graduates use the skills acquired during their studies extensively, 20.0% to a lesser extent, and 7.9% not at all.
Characteristics of the companies employing PhD graduates one year after graduation
Where do they work? 60.5% of doctoral graduates are employed in the public sector, 36.9% in the private sector, and 2.5% in the non-profit sector. The services sector employs 87.9% of doctoral graduates, while industry employs 10.8%. 57.3% of employed graduates work in the North of Italy, 10.2% in the Centre, 2.5% in the South, and 29.9% abroad.