10 Luglio 2023

Censis ranking 2023: UniTrento is first among medium sized universities

First among medium-sized universities. First in Italy for internationalization. The University of Trento returns to the top of Italian medium-sized universities and ranks second in the general ranking that measures the quality of Italian universities published today in la Repubblica. UniTrento is also the best public university in Italy for internationalization. Our university improved its overall score and the score for facilities, communication and digital services

The University of Trento is the best among medium-sized universities in Italy, those between 10,000 and 20,000 enrolled students,  according to the Censis survey on Italian universities 2023/24, published today by the newspaper la Repubblica. UniTrento is back at the top of the ranking ahead of the universities of Udine and Siena with a general score of 96.2/110,  improving from when it ranked third with 94.8/110, behind the universities of Siena and Sassari.
And this year UniTrento is among the best in the general ranking too: in fact in placed second behind the University of Camerino (which leads the ranking of small universities with 101.7) on a par with Milan Politecnico.
Among the indicators that pushed the University of Trento up in the ranking is worth mentioning, in particular, internationalization (scoring a solid 110/110), that makes Trento the best university in Italy for internationalization. The scores obtained for facilities (103, the number of places in classrooms, libraries and computer rooms and their level of adequacy based on student opinion), communication and digital services (100, an indicator that evaluates university websites based on functionality and content), are also excellent and much higher than average.
Rector Flavio Deflorian was very satisfied: "The results of this year's Censis ranking once again reward our university. But what makes us happy more than anything else is that we have reached the top position among medium-sized universities again, a result that the University of Trento has achieved several times in the past. The scores that we have obtained, which have improved, are the proof that we are doing a good job and going in the right direction. These results in my opinion tell us that we are growing as a university. The real race, in fact, is not with the other universities, but with ourselves to continue to do better. And in this sense today we celebrate the primacy of the best score – the maximum – on one of the aspects that are most dear to us and towards which we have always directed many efforts: internationalization. These results recognize the commitment of our university in international relations and collaboration networks, exchanges and relations with other countries".
